Hire our surveyors for your marine projects

Consultancy and support

Our expert advises you and accompanies you in the study of your marine projects, drydocking and shipyards

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Energy transition

The Office studies and advises on all options for decarbonizing maritime transport in New Caledonia and the Pacific region

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Maritime training

VAE Tutoraccredited by DFPC (Further Professional Training Directorate) and Maritime Affairs Directorate

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Boating & Yachting

Use one of our surveyors to do a pre-purchase survey, to determine the value of your property or make a claim or damage report

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Safety Management Audit

Complies with the ISM code in force for the maritime companies operating ships with a tonnage > 500 UMS or passenger ships

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Damage and loss surveys

Survey of damages or loss on any type of ships and equipments (Hull and Machinery)

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